Workshops - NSA

NSA Workshops

Our network care workhops are designed to help you understand this unique and amazing form of Chiropractic care. The workshops are informative and interactive, helping you expand your ideas and tools for creating health and wellness in your own life!

Please refer to the Events & Workshops Calendar for the next available dates.

Discover Network

This introductory workshop is perfect for anyone who has never been exposed to, or is just starting network care, or is just beginning to explore his or her health. The basic concepts behind the technique, and how healing is accomplished in our office, are illuminated though group discussions and interactions. We also demonstrate, right in front of your eyes just how the body actually changes through network care.

Transform Network

This is a workshop for those who have completed basic care and are ready to learn more in-depth concepts and tools for their personal growth. Sharing of experiences and the demonstration of several levels of care make for an engaging evening.

This workshop is by invitation only. If you are curious to know if you are ready to attend, ask your practitioner!

(905) 693-8804



Dr. Allison Barriscale has moved west from downtown Toronto to Milton, ON where she is now practising full-time with her partner and husband Dr. Robert Coddington.


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